ITALIA cold press skíssubók - 12 blaðsíður 300 g/m² – Myndlistarvöruverslunin

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Hágæða skíssubók fyrir vatnslitamálning

ITALIA cold press skíssubók - 12 blaðsíður 300 g/m²

Magnani 1404
3.999 kr
3.999 kr
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This little sketchbook is one of our favourite products available in the store. Made with pristine quality, acid-free paper handles water exceptionally well. 12 heavy-weight cotton pages are sewn instead of being glued together, increasing sketchbooks durability. Moreover, a stiff cover with an elastic keeping the pages tighter make this sketchbook a perfect choice when travelling or painting outside

ITALIA natural white paper is manufactured in a cylinder mould machine using marking felts - an exclusive Magnani 1404 design.
It consists of 100% cotton and is acid and chlorine-free, which endows this paper with resistance against yellowing from UV rays, guaranteeing durability over the years and maximum applied colour yield. ITALIA paper is suitable for all wet techniques such as watercolour, gouache, ink and acrylics.

The Magnani paper mills date their origins back to the XV century when the first settlers developed the mill along the banks of the Pescia river that was famous for its clear waters, an essential requirement for paper production.