Medium 3 Blue (málningarefni fyrir vatnsleysanlega olíuliti - hraðar þ – Myndlistarvöruverslunin

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Medium 3 Blue (málningarefni fyrir vatnsleysanlega olíuliti - hraðar þurrkunina)

Medium 3 Blue (málningarefni fyrir vatnsleysanlega olíuliti - hraðar þurrkunina)

2.899 kr
2.899 kr
0 kr
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Painting medium with middle oil content for water-mixable oil colours. Can be diluted with water, accelerates drying, increases gloss and depth effect, makes paint layers more resistant.

Pure Medium 3 Blue can also be used for traditional oil paints.
Contains: modified linseed oil, siccative

A huge benefit: NORMA Blue can simply be painted and cleaned with water. Another plus is that there are five special mediums that make painting with water-mixable oil colours even more fun. They have an accelerating or retarding effect on the drying time, increase gloss and glaze and are suitable as thinner to intensify the typical „oil feeling“. A special linseed oil completes the range of the NORMA Blue mediums. Good to know: With the exception of “Painting medium Blue”, all other mediums of this series can also be used with traditional oil colours! In reverse, all NORMA Blue colours can also be used with classic oil mediums, but will then lose the characteristics of a watermixable oil paint.